
Archive for September, 2011

I love Introductions. What’s your name again?

September 19, 2011 Leave a comment

I love September. It reminds me of new beginnings. First day of school. Beginning of Fall. Gateway into the months that suck up all of my time and money. The beautiful weather makes it all worth the trouble. It is currently 55 degrees, bright and sunny. There are tons of tourists around gazing at the sights of the most amazing city in the world. They’re spending tons of cash. There are sales for everything, so I’m wondering if maybe I should begin my Christmas shopping. I’d love to visit the Highline, catch a show, do some shopping, take a nap, meet some friends, have dinner at a new restaurant, sit at the park. I have one small issue. I’m at work. Not just any place of work, the most boring job on earth. I am bored here today, and every day. My brain is turning to mush being here. There is no challenge. “It pays the bills” is just not enough for me anymore, although truthfully, it never has been.

Life never used to be this boring. I had dreams of being overseas negotiating treaties or discussing economic development and social awareness programs with diplomats who shared my desire to help others. Where did that desire run off to? It got lost somewhere between Core classes, gpa requirements and parents who will help you…if you do what they want you to do. I rebelled more than I succeeded, now that I look back. In my angst to piss everyone off, I let myself down somehow. The worst part of it all? Now, after years of trying to be better, I’m sitting at a desk, looking at patent descriptions. Someone shoot me.

Or not. Want to know the greatest thing about life? It changes. Nothing ever stays the same. As Rafiki from the Lion King says, “It’s in the PAST. You can either run from it, or, learn from it.” I choose the latter! Now, on to the good stuff! My husband and I have decided to take the FSOT. YAY! Score one for future! He will be taking it in October of this year, while I am aiming for February. It should be a lucky month since it will be my 26th birthday. Wait…quick math. That doesn’t sound right. 27, it will be my 27th birthday. Do you see the mush I was speaking of earlier? It is taking over my life. Anyway, we are practicing day and night. I’ve probably learned more about the Constitution and the Amendments, Treaties, Acts, Presidents, geography, Wars and whatever other historical occurrences than I ever have, in any other point in my life. Maybe I should be a teacher, and attempt to teach students all of the things they should have learned in school. Perhaps in another lifetime. Until then, I live and breathe the FSOT. Where it will take us, who knows? All I do know is, I will no longer let my boredom get the best of me. I will learn from it.

Categories: Uncategorized

Our first blog & post!

September 16, 2011 Leave a comment


Categories: Uncategorized